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Jiaozi Millennium Innovation inheritance Chengdu Fintech Industry Development Conference successfully held Jiaozi Financial Culture Month officially launched

Activity Time:2024/1/9 21:50:30

Activity Type:Latest activity

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Event details

Jiaozi culture, through thousands of years and bright。The tide of science and technology drives innovation boundless。2024年1月,Coincides with the birth of "Jiaozi" millennium,To implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference,Promote Chengdu fintech industry to build a strong chain,We will continue to improve the quality of financial services for economic and social development,1月9日,It is guided by Sichuan Branch of the People's Bank of China and Chengdu Local Financial Supervision Bureau,Chengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding Groupsponsored"Jiaozi Millennium" series of activities of Chengdu Fintech Industry Development Conference and Jiaozi Financial Culture Month launch ceremonyHeld in Chengdu。Relevant leaders of the Sichuan Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Chengdu Municipal Government and KPMG China attended and delivered speeches。China Electronic Finance GroupSichuan Branch of the People's Bank of China, Sichuan Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, Sichuan Securities Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, relevant district (city) and county leaders attended, experts and scholars in the field of financial technology, financial institutions in Chengdu and representatives of national excellent financial technology enterprises attended the meeting。



This conference revolves aroundFintech industry talent construction, fintech industry agglomeration, fintech enterprise cultivation, digital RMB industry ecological cultivation, Jiaozi financial culture inheritanceFive aspects, release and display Chengdu fintech industry to build a strong chain related achievements。

At the event site, the financial talent certification base jointly built by Chengdu and Beijing National Financial Certification Center under China Electronic Finance Group was officially unveiled。KPMG China released the "2023 KPMG China Fintech Double 50 List" for the first time in Chengdu, held the award ceremony, and released the "2023 Chengdu Fintech Enterprise Map"。The "Digital RMB helps financial technology Industry Innovation Demonstration Zone" of Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop was officially unveiled, and the fourth phase of Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop · Digital currency space was officially unveiled。Held the launch ceremony of Jiaozi Financial Culture Month and the unveiling ceremony of Jiaozi Financial Museum's "Red Finance Shining China - Red Finance Business Theme Exhibition during the New Democratic Revolution", and officially launched the "Jiaozi Financial Culture Month".。Chengdu Fintech Association releases the first "Chengdu Jiaozi Fintech Enterprise List"。At the same time, the Chief information officer of China Banking Association delivered a keynote speech on "Exploration and Practice of Large Models in the banking industry", and the director of the Legal Advisory Department (Research Department) of China Internet Finance Association delivered a keynote speech on "Mechanism Design for coordinating financial technology innovation and security"。Representatives from relevant domestic fintech companies held a roundtable dialogue on "Breaking the virtual to the real - Application Trend and ecological outlook of the financial industry large model"。The whole event was wonderful, showing four highlights。

 Highlight 1

Financial talent certification base was unveiled in Chengdu

Help Chengdu speed up the improvement of fintech talent training system 

Fintech talents are the key driving force for fintech innovation, the core force for the development of fintech industry, and provide strong support for the construction of the western financial center。The event site, under the guidance of the city's financial Supervision Bureau, byChengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding GroupTo Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop and Chengdu Financial Technology AssociationFor the platform, withChina Finance Electronic Group Beijing National financial Certification CenterDeep cooperation and co-construction"Financial Talent Certification Base"Officially unveiled to help Chengdu speed up the improvement of fintech talent training system。


The Financial Talent Certification Base will be dedicated to training and certifying professionals in the field of fintech,Its responsibilities cover curriculum design, training base construction, certification standards, teaching staff construction and other aspects,Through in-depth cooperation with industry enterprises and research institutions,Expand communication platform,Build a resource-sharing fintech talent cultivation ecosystem,Provide high quality training services,Actively participate in the formulation of fintech certification standards,Provide industry with professionals who meet the market demand,Support the high-quality development of fintech。

前期,Chengdu Financial Technology AssociationWith BeijingNational Fintech Certification CenterAnd five organizations signedMemorandum of Cooperation on Mutual Recognition of Fintech Talent Capacity across RegionsTo establish a cross-regional fintech talent ability mutual recognition mechanism and evaluation certification system。Chengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding GroupA blockchain companyWon the first batch in the country"Financial Digital Talent Certification Training Institution"Certification award, to become one of the financial service standard certification demonstration units。


Jiaozi blockchain company won the first batch in the country

"Financial Digital Talent Certification Training Institution" certification award

 Highlight 2

The KPMG China Fintech Double 50 list was released in Chengdu for the first time

Eight companies from Chengdu made the list  

The number of listed enterprises ranked first in the Midwest

KPMG as a professional services organization,Long-term deep cultivation in the financial field,Committed to the innovation and growth of China's fintech industry,Insight into future trends in the fintech industry,Promote the construction of China's fintech ecosystem,The KPMG China Fintech 50 list was first published in 2016,It has received extensive attention from the industry。At the event, KPMG China released a blockbusterKPMG China Fintech Double 50 List 2023, hold the award ceremony, and publish2023 KPMG China Fintech Double 50 Report。This is KPMG's 8th Leading Fintech Enterprise ranking, which is the first offline nationwide ranking release ceremony held by KPMG China in the past three years。


KPMG China Release

KPMG China Fintech Double 50 List 2023

The selection campaign was launched in August 2023, and the list was finally formed after several months of research and selection。In the "2023 KPMG China Fintech Companies Double 50 List", Chengdu has8家Enterprises on the list, ranked fourth in the national city distribution for the first time, second only to Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai.Ranking first in central and western cities。

 Highlight 3

Jiaozi financial dream workshop

"Digital RMB helps Fintech Industry Innovation Demonstration Zone"Be licensed

Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop phase four · Digital coin space debut

The digital yuan is a legal tender issued in digital form by the People's Bank of China。To carry out the pilot work of digital RMB is a major strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council。In 2019, Chengdu became one of the first digital RMB pilot cities in the country。In 2022, Sichuan became one of the first provinces in the country to carry out a nationwide digital renminbi pilot。In order to seize the pilot opportunity, under the guidance of the People's Bank of China Sichuan Branch,Chengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding Group relies on the national technology business incubator Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop - Jiaozi Financial Technology CenterBuilt the city's first digital RMB smart park, built the digital RMB scene full ecological application model, approved"Digital RMB helps Fintech Industry Innovation Demonstration Zone"。At the event, Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop "Digital RMB to help financial technology industry Innovation Demonstration Zone" was awarded by the Sichuan Branch of the People's Bank of China。


Meanwhile, at the event,Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop phase 4 · Digital coin spaceDebut, held the first batch of digital currency space enterprises concentrated in the ceremony。The fourth phase of Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop · Digital coin space is the overall deployment of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government,City financial Supervision Bureau, People's Bank of Sichuan branch under the guidance,It is a fintech industry headquarters base built by Chengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding Group, which integrates research and development, innovation and transformation, scene construction and community service,The construction area of the project is 78,000 square meters。To seize the Chengdu-Chongqing area twin city economic circle construction major strategic opportunities,Digital currency space will focus on the upstream and downstream enterprises of the digital RMB industry chain,Create multiple digital RMB application and display scenes,Build a digital RMB industrial ecosystem,We will leverage the leading role of the digital renminbi as financial infrastructure,Highlight the regional characteristics of Chengdu fintech,Form a new pattern of dislocation and coordinated development with Chongqing。


Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop phase 4 · digital currency space rendering

Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop actively promotes the ecological construction of digital RMB。In order to improve Chengdu's innovation source ability and achievement transformation application ability in the field of digital RMB,Plan according to the municipal Party committee and municipal government,Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop, together with digital currency Research Institute and other institutions, jointly initiated the establishment of Tianfu financial Technology Research Institute,Promote the digital RMB visual design and inclusive financial services center in Chengdu。Taking the construction of the fourth phase of Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop · Digital currency space project as an opportunity, we will give full play to the radiating leading role of Digital Research Institute and gather more than 20 upstream and downstream enterprises in the digital RMB industrial chain。Relying on the carrier of Jiaozi Financial Dream Workshop to create a small high-frequency digital RMB payment scene, and jointly with financial institutions to carry out more than 30 digital RMB promotion activities。

 Highlight 4

Jiaozi Financial Culture Month was officially launched

Jiaozi Finance Museum red finance business theme exhibition opened

Firm cultural confidence, carry forward Jiaozi financial culture, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Jiaozi culture. With the support of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, under the guidance of the Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, Chengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding Group will host the event"Jiaozi running, a millennium pulse - Jiaozi Financial Culture Month"Series of activities,The activity consists of three series: the inheritance of Jiaozi financial culture, the improvement of public financial literacy, and the high-quality development of Chengdu finance,Including "Jiaozi Theory" social teaching and research activities, Jiaozi creative works global collection competition, Jiaozi financial culture knowledge competition and other eight activities,It aims to inherit the millennium financial culture of Jiaozi,Improve public financial literacy,We will improve the quality and effectiveness of financial services serving the real economy,Gather great strength for the construction of western financial center。At the event, the launch ceremony of Jiaozi Financial Culture Month and the unveiling ceremony of Jiaozi Financial Museum's "Red Finance Shining China - The Theme exhibition of Red Financial Undertakings during the New Democratic Revolution" were held。


Jiaozi Financial Culture Month launch ceremony cum

Jiaozi Finance Museum red finance business theme exhibition opened

As the key exhibition of this Jiaozi financial culture month,Under the guidance of Sichuan Branch of the People's Bank of China and Chengdu Local Financial Supervision Bureau,Chengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding Group relies on the Jiaozi Financial Museum,Planned and hosted "Red Finance, Shining China - Red Finance in the New Democratic Revolution Period Theme Exhibition",Pursue the Red financial imprint,Inherit the red financial culture。

There are many more exciting activities here!

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